Getting children to read, learn and be outdoors is often not easy. With the new Bodenmais children's book “Edi and the Journey to the Mysterious Silver Mountain”, everything is now possible at once. The book tells an exciting story about Edi the squirrel, whose tracks families can follow with their children.
That's what it's about:
Edi lives in the forests around Bodenmais. He is a clever and bright little fellow. But the forest harbors many dangers and unexpected events. When Franzi the bat gets into trouble, Edi rushes to her aid. Can they master the adventure together? On their way, the two encounter many other animal inhabitants of the Bavarian Forest, such as Willy the wild sow and Hugo the stag. The companions also meet the Bodenmais wildlife whisperer “Woid Woife”. Their journey takes them to mysterious places such as the “Magical Waterfalls”, the “Mystical Lake” or into the “Enchanted Forest”.

Hiking in the footsteps of the book
The places where the story of the children's book takes place also exist in reality and are some of the most beautiful natural sights that the Bavarian Forest has to offer. So that children can not only read the story of Edi and his companions, but also discover the forest in their footsteps, the children's book is accompanied by an informative booklet. This provides detailed information for exciting hikes along the paths in the book. The family-friendly tours lead to Bodenmais' local mountain, the Silberberg, to the Rißloch waterfalls, the highest in the Bavarian Forest, to the picturesque Großer Arbersee and to the imposing Riederinfelsen. At around two to a maximum of six kilometers, these hikes are perfect for children.

Auf Schatzsuche im Wald
Als weiteren Anreiz gibt es auf diesen Touren vier tierische, aus heimischen Baumstämmen gestaltete Stempelstellen. Wer die Verstecke von Eichhörnchen Edi, Wildsau Willy, Fledermaus Franzi und Hirsch Hugo gefunden und alle Stempel eingesammelt hat, der darf sich in der Tourist-Info in Bodenmais eine Belohnung abholen. Damit das Suchen nach den tierischen Freunden noch mehr Spaß macht, liegt dem Buch eine große Schatzkarte bei. „Edi und die Reise zum geheimnisvollen Silberberg“ ist somit das ideale Buch für einen erlebnisreichen Familienurlaub in Bodenmais.

Kindgerechte Infos über die Tiere
Natürlich soll auch das Lernen nicht zu kurz kommen. Deshalb gibt es im Begleitheft zu jedem Tier, das in der Geschichte vorkommt, interessante und kindgerechte Informationen. Diese wurden fachgerecht vom Naturpark Bayerischer Wald aufbereitet. Zahlreiche Freizeittipps für Familien in und um Bodenmais runden die Begleitbroschüre ab.