Silberberg BATHING AND SAUNA PARK indoor pool

Relaxation is a top priority here!

Vom verschneiten Saunagarten aus blickt man auf die erleuchtete Fassade des Silberbergbades. | © Bodenmais Tourismus & Marketing GmbH

Infusions from eucalyptus to honey

Those who are looking for peace and quiet will find it in the varied sauna landscape. The Silberberg indoor pool has two sauna areas: a Finnish sauna, steam bath and tepidarium in the indoor pool and the kelo sauna in the park. The two areas are connected, so even the most demanding sauna-goers will get their money's worth. The Bodenmaiser Silberberg-Bad offers numerous different sauna infusions, from spruce to herbal to honey or eucalyptus infusions.

Ein Mann und zwei Frauen sitzen mit umgebundenen Handtüchern zusammen in der Sauna. | © Bodenmais Tourismus & Marketing GmbH
Zwei Frauen in weißem Bademantel gehen aus einer Blocksaune in den verschneiten Saunagarten. | © Bodenmais Tourismus & Marketing GmbH


Feel-good fragrances enhance the sauna and steam bath effect and promote health and well-being. We only use pure essential oils and nature-identical fragrances. The essential oils are 100% pure natural qualities that comply with the applicable ISO standards.

Our infusions: classic & soothing - fruity & exotic - creative & invigorating:

Finnish sauna: mandarin, India, orange mint, lemon, wish scent, blood orange, pink grapefruit, cool lemon, ginger lime, blackcurrant
Kelosauna: spruce, mint, lavender, Douglas fir, rosemary, hay meadow, Eukal, Toscana, herbal fresh stone pine alternately
Occasional exfoliation: Japanese sauna salt with Swiss stone pine or eucalyptus scent. Sugar and honey peeling.


Log sauna

A visit to our Finnish sauna has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system and general well-being and has a strengthening effect on the immune system, which means it is also particularly useful for toughening up against colds. The temperature of the Finnish sauna is around 85°C.


Our kelo sauna is made from the valuable wood of the kelo pine. This wood exudes the resinous, spicy scent of centuries-old polar pines. The temperature of the sauna is around 100°C and is characterized by a dry atmosphere.

Two steam baths

Steam baths are used specifically to prevent illnesses and stimulate the metabolism. The body is gently purified and the skin cleansed. Steam, heated to around 45 degrees, moisturizes the skin and respiratory tract and has a liberating effect. The steam bath has an extremely high level of humidity.


The room temperature in our tepidarium is around 50°C and the room climate is dry. The immune system is strengthened without straining the circulation. The tepidarium also has a preventative and healing effect on visitors.

Specials & Events

Eine Frau mit umgebundenem Handtuch sitzt alleine in der Sauna | © Bodenmais Tourismus & Marketing GmbH

Ladies' sauna

Every Thursday is ladies' sauna. Every lady receives a free glass of Prosecco or orange juice.

Zwei Frauen und ein Mann mit einem Kübel Wasser in der Hand unterhalten sich in der Sauna. | © Bodenmais Tourismus & Marketing GmbH

Sauna evening with little treats

On Tuesday you can enjoy our sauna area with little treats.

Zwei Frauen und drei Kindern sitzen zusammen in einer Sauna | © Bodenmais Tourismus & Marketing GmbH

Family sauna

Every Tuesday & Thursday from 2.00 - 5.00 pm with special infusions for children. This turns the afternoon into a bathing and sauna experience for the whole family - naturally also open to individuals.


Silberberg-Bad - the name was chosen deliberately. The Bodenmais local mountain is always in view through the extensive window fronts in the indoor pool and sauna area - sometimes green in summer, sometimes colorful in autumn or white in winter. Whatever the season, body and soul can find peace in the Silberberg spa. Nestled in the picturesque spa gardens, the new panoramic indoor pool is located right next to the newly renovated outdoor pool. Its large sports pool (25m) offers plenty of space for big and small water rats to let off steam. And of course there is an extra fun area for the little ones. Two full-body massage jets provide a complete feel-good effect in the pool and relax tired muscles. The Silberberg Panorama Bistro spoils you with snacks, coffee and cake.

Outdoor swimming pool

Von oben blickt man auf das Silberberg Freibad, das gut besucht ist. | © Bodenmais Tourismus & Marketing GmbH

Outdoor pool with swimmer's pool, Silberberg Island and more

Nestled in the picturesque spa gardens, the Silberberg indoor pool is located right next to the Silberberg outdoor pool. With a swimmer's pool with panoramic glass front, a fun pool with Silberberg play island, a wide wave slide, a baby pool, a large sunbathing lawn, play and beach volleyball court, kiosk and much more, the outdoor pool offers plenty of opportunities for a fun and relaxing day under the white-blue Bavarian sky.

Adventure pool:
Water surface: 675 m2
Water depth: 0 m - 1.50 m
Water temperature: 24° - 30° C

For the little ones:
Children's pool, slide, spatial separation from other pools, playground, play equipment

Sunbathing lawn:
over 20,000 m2, partly shaded areas

Sanitary and changing area:
separate sanitary and changing area for outdoor pool

Summer kiosk:
Our summer kiosk spoils you with snacks, coffee and ice cream.

Contact indoor pool

Silberberg Hallenbad
Finkenweg 24
94249 Bodenmais


Contact outdoor pool

Silberberg Freibad
Finkenweg 24
94249 Bodenmais




Monday: 14:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 14:00 - 21:00 
Wednesday: 14:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 14:00 - 20:00
Friday: 14:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 14:00 - 20:00
Sunday & public holiday: 14:00 - 20:00 (During the outdoor pool season until 18:00)



Mixed sauna

Monday: 14:00 - 20:0
Tuesday: 14:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 14:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 14:00 - 17:00
Friday: 14:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 14:00 - 20:00
Sunday & public holiday: 14:00 - 20:00 (During the outdoor pool season until 18:00)


Family sauna

Tuesday & Thursday: 14:00 - 17:00 


Ladies' sauna:

Thursday: 17:00 - 20:00 Uhr

Outdoor pool:

In the period from mid-May to mid-September: daily from 9:00 to 19:00 

In bad weather: 9:00 to 12:00

Prices Outdoor Pool

Category Basic rate with valid tourist card or main residence Bodenmais without a valid tourist card
3 hours 6,00 € 7,50 €
Day ticket 8,50 € 10,50 €
Card of 10 (3 hours) 54,00 € 68,00 €
Card of 10 (Day ticket) 71,00 € 88,50 €
Short-term tariff (from 18:00) 4,50 € 4,50 €
Annual pass 160 € 200 €
Family day ticket 20,00 €  
Group ticket adult 3 hrs. 6,80 €  
Group ticket adult daily rate 8,90 €  
Children up to 6 years free  
Birthday Special Free admission for the birthday child, the child's birthday guests only pay half the admission price We gladly accept your pre-registration under: Phone: 09924/91914
Children from 7-16 years, pupils, students, severely disabled persons (50%) 50 % of the basic rate without a valid spa card  

Statutory VAT is included in the admission prices. Only one type of discount is granted on all admission prices.
Additional payment if time is exceeded per half hour or part thereof: bath: €1.00/adult, €0.50/child; sauna: €1.50/adult, €1.00/child
On individual days, price and tariff surcharges may be charged for special services (events etc.).

Prices Sauna incl. indoor pool

Statutory VAT is included in the admission prices and sauna prices. Only one type of discount is granted on all admission prices.
Additional payment if time is exceeded per half hour or part thereof: bath: €1.00/adult, €0.50/child; sauna: €1.50/adult, €1.00/child
On individual days, price and tariff surcharges may be charged for special services (events etc.).

Category Basic rate with valid tourist card or main residence Bodenmais without a valid tourist card
3 hours

 14,40 €

17,50 €
Day ticket 18,20 € 22,50 €
Card of 10 (3 hours) 125,00 € 160,00 €
Card of 10 (Day ticket) 155,00 € 195,00 €
Annual pass 320,00 € 400,00 €
Children up to 6 years free
Adolescents from 7-16 years, pupils,
students, severely disabled (50%)
50 % of the basic rate without a valid spa card


Prices Silberberg-outdoor pool


Category Basic rate with valid tourist card or main residence Bodenmais without a valid tourist card

3,80 €

5,00 €
Teenagers, pupils,
students, severely disabled persons from 50%
2,00 € 2,00 €
Card of 10 (adults) 30,00 € 38,00 €
Card of 10 (Teenagers) 19,00 € 19,00 €
Season ticket (family) 103,00 € 103,00 €
Season ticket (adults) 57,00 € 57,00 €
Season ticket (Teenagers, pupils,
students, severely disabled persons from 50%)
32,00 € 32,00 €
Children up to 6 years free